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  • A better health care solution for French expatriates

  • Young woman sitting by the water smiling


  • In partnership with Malakoff Médéric Humanis, we are offering French expatriates a global health and wellness solution that seamlessly combines the benefits of the “assurance à la française” with a market leading international health insurance plan and access to a global network of health care resources.

    To find out more about this solution call +44-870-442-2676 or email
Mom and son cooking healthy food

CFE benefits

Expatriates can continue contributing to the French health care insurance scheme by enrolling with the CFE (Caisse des Français de l'Étranger). CFE allows French expatriates to keep their social security contributions up to date while they’re abroad. Any treatments will be covered up to the limits of the social security rates applicable in France and our complementary plan will cover the difference.

Market leading international health insurance

Our plans include:
  • Policy limits up to $5 million per year
  • Inpatient and day care treatment paid in full
  • Outpatient surgical procedures paid in full
  • Full cover for cancer care
  • Chronic condition and disease management paid in full (most plans)

Global health care resources

Aetna members have access to:
  • 1.2 million medical facilities in the U.S. and 165,000+ throughout the rest of the world
  • A virtual health facility
  • An employee assistance programme
  • A central medical team that supports them while they’re abroad
  • Evacuation and repatriation services
  • Personal risk protection in the event of political unrest or a natural disaster
Young woman and her toddler son looking out the window of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Created with French expatriates in mind

For group plans that include French expatriates, this is an outstanding global health care solution that can also seamlessly integrate with the CFE. In addition to that, our members will benefit from:

  • French-speaking member services, including access to a 24/7 point of contact in Dubai
  • vHealth, our free service offering members telephone consultations with doctors, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (contact us for more details about the availability of vHealth).
  • Aetna® is a trademark of Aetna Inc. and is protected throughout the world by trademark registrations and treaties.