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Cookie policy

Cookies and tracking technology

Cookies are small text files which are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. Session cookies are temporary and only stay on your device for the duration of your visit to the website. Persistent cookies are stored on your hard drive until they expire, or you delete them. Certain cookies are created by the website you are viewing (first-party) and others are supplied by an external company (third-party).

Aetna will place Functional, Essential and Performance cookies on your browser. Further details about these cookies are set out below. Where we use 3rd party tools (Performance cookies) our partners adhere to relevant cookie and data privacy policies. We have also implemented a policy to anonymize IP addresses, which removes the ability to identify an individual.

Our website may also use other tracking technology that strictly speaking are not cookies. For transparency we include these under our cookies policy.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, visit or

Functional and essential cookies

Functional and essential, sometimes referred as ‘strictly necessary’, cookies are required to operate the website. These do not capture personal information. If you block or delete functional and essential cookies you may not be able to view or use the website as intended.

Performance cookies

Performance cookies help us understand how visitors use our site and to measure its performance, this website uses web analytics cookies provided by Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics. We only use trusted web analytics platforms that provide statistical insight into interaction and behaviours of website visitors. These do not capture personal information but rather report on general performance which helps us improve the overall user experience.

Tracking cookies and 3rd party requests

Tracking, targeting, advertising and marketing cookies are common terms for cookies that collect information about your browsing habits to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. Some 3rd parties place requests, rather than cookies to achieve this. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advert as well as help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The cookies are usually placed by third party advertising networks. They remember the websites you visit, and that information is shared with other parties such as advertisers.

Below is a table of Cookies and 3rd Party Requests that are managed by Aetna International and our trusted Third Party (Further – Digital Marketing Consultancy):


Organisation Cookie Source Duration Purpose
Akamai AKA_A2 1 hr. Used for load balancing.
IBM Big-IP TS[N] Session Tracking enabled site/server features across load-balanced servers.
BIGipServerpool_[x] 2 hrs. Managing sessions across load-balanced servers.
Aetna org.springframework[x] Session Records user locale (language setting) to determine the language version of the site to display.
JSESSIONID_[N] Session Server session management.
ODRSESSIONCC_EXT2 Session Database connection status.


Organisation Cookie Source Duration Purpose
Google Analytics _ga 2 yrs. Identifies unique visitors.
_gali 1 min. Monitors the specific links used by users.
__utmb 30 mins. Used to determine new sessions/visits.
_gat 1 min. Used to throttle requests to the Google Analytics service.
_gat_UA-21042957-1 1 min. Used to throttle requests to the Google Analytics service.
_gid 24 hrs. Identifies unique visitors.
__utma 2 yrs. Identifies unique visitors and sessions.
__utmc Session Identifies if a user is in a new or continuing session.
__utmt_sf17ga 10 mins. Used to throttle requests to the Google Analytics service.
__utmz 6 mos. Stores the traffic source/campaign that the user used to reach the site.
Aetna GASessionID 3 hrs. Identifies unique visitors.
GALeadID 1 year Identifies unique visitors.
sales_journey 20 yrs. Records the route users take to the main application form.
Adobe Analytics s_invisit 30 mins. Identifies active unique visitor.
s_vnum 14 days Identifies unique visitors.
s_lv_s 30 mins. Identifies unique visitors.
gpv_pn 30 mins. Contains the previous page name to allow monitoring of user flow.
AMCV_[N] 2 yrs. Identifies unique visitors.
AMCVS_[N] Session Identifies unique visitors.
s_cc Session Tracks if cookies are enabled.
s_sq Session Tracks the previous link clicked on by the user.
s_lv 3 yrs. Identifies the time (in days) between two visits by the same visitor.
s_gnr 30 days User to see how many visitors are returning.
s_depth 30 mins. Records the number of pages the user has opened during their current visit.
HotJar _hjClosedSurveyInvites 365 days Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor interacts with a Survey invitation modal popup. It is used to ensure that the same invite does not re-appear if it has already been shown.
JSESSIONID_[N] 365 days Hotjar cookie. This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels.
ODRSESSIONCC_EXT2 365 days This cookie is set once a visitor completes a survey. It is used to only load the survey content if the visitor hasn't completed the survey yet.


Organisation Cookie Source Duration Purpose
LivePerson LPVID 2 yrs. Enables online chat functionality. This tracks a unique visitor identifier to allow chats to be monitored and continue across page views.
Convert _conv_s 20 mins. Tracking A/B user experience testing used on the site.
_conv_v 6 mos. Tracking A/B user experience testing used on the site.


Organisation Cookie Source Duration Purpose
Facebook _fbp 2 hrs.

Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.

Disable Cookies in Your Web Browser

Last updated: 19/02/2019