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A Range of Proven Solutions

We don't offer products, we offer solutions

At Aetna, we never forget that clients come to us for solutions, so we view all our products and services from that perspective. In doing so, we ask: Will our products and services help solve and/or avoid problems? Will they help improve health and benefit the population as intended? Will they help accomplish our clients’ social and financial goals and objectives? Our answer to those questions is a resounding "yes."

We cater to clients of all sizes, from large national governments to smaller health ministries to municipalities and independent and semi-independent groups. We serve funders of all sizes and descriptions.

A spectrum of solutions

We offer a broad spectrum of solutions to achieve a broad spectrum of goals – from creating a totally new and complete contemporary health care system for a large making substantial technological upgrades and clinical skillfully tweaking and enhancing an existing system.

We know the difficulties and challenges of establishing and operating an efficient, contemporary health care system, even a relatively small one, and we know how to solve them. We also know that although health care environments and challenges may seem a lot alike, no two truly are. We're skilled at taking into account the many cultural, societal and political differences that distinguish one health care environment from another.

Medical management: Personalized support for superior outcomes

Over the years, we've developed a number of innovative health programs in partnership with patients and providers, community leaders and third-sector organizations. Our primary goal is to help entire populations achieve and sustain healthier and longer lives. Towards this goal, we've implemented programs that address the needs of millions of people.

We're one of the world's largest providers of pro-active wellness and disease management programs. Every year, we touch many people through such proactive programs, which are designed to support and coordinate care between clinicians and patients, improving health while promoting efficient use of resources. This ensures that the right patients receive the right care in the right setting at the right time.

Our programs are driven by customized and evolutionary informatics that convert data on care delivery into actionable insights. This helps generate efficiencies in evidence-based care management by matching the level of acuity to the level of intervention.

Virtual Primary Care: Underpinned by technology to leapfrog outdated systems

At the core of every successful health system is a well-functioning primary care set up. In fact, systems with accessible and effective primary care almost always deliver better outcomes at lower costs. Our Virtual Primary Care offerings have been driven by these fundamental beliefs.

We advocate providing the essential elements of primary care – underpinned by the use of technology, not buildings, to leapfrog outdated systems. This includes providing appropriate health information, telephonic support, online consultations and second-opinion services. In short, our services are designed to supplement existing primary care systems to meet the emerging needs of populations, not replace or compete with them.