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Vietnam Health Guide

Health insurance in Vietnam 

If you're considering a long-term relocation to Vietnam, addressing your health care needs should be part of your advance planning. Aetna International is here to help. We've created this guide to provide health-related information you'll need when preparing for your time in Vietnam.


Knowing you and your loved ones have the necessary vaccinations gives you peace of mind when relocating to another country. When your destination is Vietnam, be sure to get the following recommended vaccinations:

  • Diphtheria 
  • Hepatitis A 
  • Typhoid

You should also consider vaccinations for:

  • Japanese Encephalitis 
  • Hepatitis B 
  • Tuberculosis 
  • Japanese B Encephalitis 
  • Rabies

Vaccine recommendations for travelers are subject to change, so it's a good idea to speak with your doctor to check current requirements before departing. You should also make sure that tetanus and polio vaccinations are up to date for you and other family members.

Health care system 

You can expect an adequate level of care and English speaking staff at private hospitals in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. In most other areas, health care is provided at a substandard level by public medical facilities. There are often shortages of medicine and medical equipment. To ensure access to the highest level of health care available in Vietnam, it is highly recommended that all expatriates secure private medical insurance for the duration of their stay.

Political concerns 

Vietnam is a one-party communist state where political dissent is suppressed. The government also places restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Other risks 

Dengue fever, spread by mosquitoes, is endemic in Vietnam. No vaccination is available for this illness, which can be fatal. Protect yourself against bites by applying DEET-based repellant and wearing long sleeves and pants.

There have been human deaths associated with avian flu in Vietnam. For your safety, avoid coming into close contact with domestic, caged or wild birds, including poultry at local markets.

All valuables, especially your passport, should be well secured at all times. Be especially vigilant on trains and buses, as both are favorite places for pickpockets to operate.

Roads and vehicles throughout Vietnam are poorly maintained, driving conditions are hazardous and road rules are routinely ignored. For your safety, always exercise extreme caution when crossing roads or driving around the country.

Obtaining health insurance 

In light of the potential health risks and the substandard public health system in this country, it is essential for expatriates to obtain private health insurance in Vietnam. Aetna International provides the experience and knowledge needed to ensure that you find the high-quality coverage you require and have access to the best possible treatment whenever and wherever it's needed.

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