The Senior Service Medical Plan (SSMP) is sponsored by Missionary Medical and administered by Aetna International. For all seniors that are enrolled on the SSMP, please review the information and links on this page.
Information specific to the area/region and country/location you are serving in regarding how the program works, who to contact for help, and a listing of medical providers can be located on the page for your specific Mission location. To review this information or find a Provider Listing, please use the drop downs below to select your specific “Area/Region” and “Country/Location” in which you are serving.
To request a provider direct payment/Guarantee of Payment (GOP) letter outside the U.S., please fill out the GOP Template and ensure that you send it to/call the appropriate TPA contact for your area.
If you are located inside the U.S., you now have an alternative to access convenient, affordable health care. With Teladoc, you get 24/7 access to best-in-class primary care doctors for both telephone and video consultations. Please refer to the following attachments to learn how to register for the program and how to access convenient, quality health care.
To dial toll-free from an international location please use the AT&T access codes listed here:
Senior Missionary: