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Fit for Duty Podcast: Episode 19.

  • Mental health, diversity and inclusion – international workplace culture

    While in some areas of the world, mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety or depression are widely spoken about, in other areas they are still misunderstood and could be sidelined or ridiculed.

    In this episode, Lorien Norden is joined by Nicole van Valen, a Clinical Psychotherapist and Senior Business Leader with Aetna, a CVS Health company to discuss:

    • The ways in which businesses with international workers can help ensure their teams and their people get the support they need for their holistic well-being
    • How they can make sure they’re taking an inclusive, proactive approach to mental health and not just paying the topic lip service.
    • How to find the right balance when it comes to diversity and inclusion whilst operating under the different cultural standards of a country of residence in which their individuals, their employees might be living, and what can be done to support staff based in countries where mental health is not widely supported or not easily available?

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