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The impact of ageing population on health care: White paper

Poor health associated with ageing is the next epidemic.

Improved levels of global health care have led to swelling elderly populations. Those populations are facing an increase in prevalence of respiratory, obesity-related and mental health conditions associated with ageing and, in many cases, lifestyle. These include heart disease, dementia, type 2 diabetes, asthma, and depression. These conditions impact quality of life experienced by ageing populations, and are placing a growing strain on health care systems through the cost of medical care and increasing levels of demand.

At Aetna International, we believe that targeted health and wellness education, and holistic support, is needed earlier to increase people’s healthspan – years free from disease – to match their increasing lifespan. More action is needed by health care experts to build appropriate prevention, early intervention and care management models for individuals, and to increase access to quality community-based care. Without it, we run the risk of future generations – in developed and developing countries – suffering en masse from the same diseases we see accompanying ageing in developed nations today. Without it, health care costs will continue to spiral.

Dr. Lori Stetz, Senior Medical Director, Aetna International, says: “While no one has the power to stop ageing, we all have the power to improve our odds of living long, healthy lives. Moreover, we all can play a role in creating a universal health system better structured to support healthy ageing, something even the youngest among us will one day need.”

About the authors

Dr George, MBBS, DPH, MBA, is the Head of Care Management (Americas) and is responsible for the delivery of all of our care management programs through her team’s global clinical operations. She is responsible for driving the care management strategy. She has oversight on the clinical program design which is focused on developing member-centric innovative programs focused on increasing member engagement and improving health outcomes.

As Senior Medical Director for Aetna International, Dr. Lori Stetz, MHP, provides guidance, support, and medical leadership for all care management activities around the globe. Lori drives medical policy, and actively participates in strategic planning and program and product development in concurrence with changing markets and technologies. Lori also manages Aetna International’s emergency evacuation program, helping to ensure appropriate health care delivery for our members around the globe.

As Medical Director for Aetna International, Dr. Patel, MBA, provides guidance, support, and medical leadership for care management activities in Europe. Dr. Patel also manages Aetna International’s emergency evacuation program, helping to ensure appropriate health care delivery for our members around the globe. Dr. Patel graduated from King’s College University, London and also has a Healthcare Management degree from Imperial College, London. He is also a practicing physician in Emergency Medicine.