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Stress and your health

  • Try these tips for reducing stress during your relocation, wherever you are.

    Stress impacts everyone — and it can take a special toll when you’re working far from home or living abroad with a spouse on international assignment. Research shows that expatriates are more likely to struggle with stress, along with anxiety, depression and alcohol/substance abuse — yet very few of them actually prepare for the possibility of encountering these while away.1

    Common expat stress triggers

    • Language barriers that make it difficult to communicate effectively
    • Cultural differences that can make you feel like an outsider
    • Workplace challenges such as long hours, tight deadlines and unrealistic expectations
    • Difficulties with spouses finding work or activities to enjoy
    • Loss of your support network of family and friends back home

    Tips for combatting expat stress

    • Seek resources to help you assimilate into your new culture
    • Stay connected to loved ones at home
    • Reach out for professional support early and often

    Further reading:

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    1 Pioneering Change: Understanding Health & Healthcare for Globally Mobile & High Net Worth Local Populations. Aetna International, October 2016.