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How to manage your diabetes

  • Keep track of your diabetes treatment

    This checklist can help you keep track of your care and treatment. Review it with your doctor at each office visit.

    Diabetes recommended screenings1

    Glycosylated Hemoglobin or Hemoglobin A1c:

    This is a blood test that measures the average blood glucose level over the past 2 – 3 months. This test is an important way to tell if your diabetes is under control. The goal is less than 6.5 percent.

    Urine Microalbumin:

    This simple urine test screens for tiny amounts of albumin (protein) in the urine that may be early signs of kidney disease.

    Serum Creatinine:

    This blood test tells how well your kidneys are functioning.

    Dilated Retinal Exam:

    Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness due to its effects on the retina, the back portion of the eye. An annual dilated eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist promotes early detection and treatment. A dilated eye exam is different than a routine eye exam (for eyeglasses) because the eye doctor uses special equipment and medications to examine the blood vessels in your eyes.

    LDL Cholesterol Screening:

    This blood test measures the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called “bad cholesterol” in the blood. High LDL levels can lead to heart disease. This annual blood test helps your doctor to watch your cholesterol level, and prescribe medication or lifestyle changes as necessary. The goal is less than 100 mg/dl.

    Foot Exam:

    People with diabetes sometimes experience circulatory problems, particularly in their arms and legs. Minor ulcers in the feet can develop and grow into major medical problems requiring surgery. Having your doctor examine your feet during every routine office visit can help prevent serious problems from developing.

    Dental Check-up:

    If you have diabetes, you have a much greater risk of developing gum disease and losing your teeth. Poor blood glucose control makes gum problems more likely. It’s important to have regular dental check-ups at least twice a year to help avoid serious problems.1  If you fall into any of these categories, it’s important that you talk with your doctor.

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