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What’s global safety and security assistance?

Frequently asked questions

Many expats live abroad in safe places where civil unrest and other safety and security crises are limited. For others, war, terrorist attacks, coups and natural disasters are a constant threat. That’s why Aetna International partners with global security and risk management experts at Crisis24 to make sure eligible members and their families can stay safe through leading security advice and assistance services.

Intelligence gathering

Through an extensive network of trusted sources, worldwide security activity is monitored our members are among the first to know if a threat situation arises. Analysts collect information from local contacts, track news channels and social network activity, and pass the details through to regional desks for distribution. Our eligible members can then use that information to make decisions about any upcoming travel plans, whether that’s a single business trip to a high-risk area or a family relocating as part of an extended international assignment.

Cultural awareness

Staying safe while in an unfamiliar country and getting to know a new culture are important considerations for individuals moving abroad for a new lifestyle, or those on assignment. Aetna International connects members to personalized city security briefs, as well as a comprehensive list of “dos and don’ts” specific to a new country of residence. It even includes tips on what to wear to meetings, how to greet associates and dining out.

Data distribution

Intelligence gathered by the regional desks is distributed through a number of channels, all free of charge to Aetna International members with eligible plans. These include:

Intelligence hub website and app

A members-only, website and mobile app deliver 24/7 access to state-of-the-art global intelligence resources. Use things like the world map to stay informed — it's an interactive view of alerts and location intelligence ratings from around the world. These digital tools connect your travelers to expert, current safety advice and analysis so they have the decision-making advantage if a crisis happens.

Expert safety advice and assistance that’s just a phone call away

A team of multilingual representatives, political risk analysts and crisis support specialists are available 24/7 to provide safety advice and assistance.

Country intelligence and security advice on countries and cities around the world

Crisis24 provides extensive global coverage with comprehensive intelligence on over 200 countries, 800 provinces and 400 cities, worldwide.

Personalized travel reports and safety briefings

Have your specific question or concern addressed directly by an analyst. Submit a request for bespoke personalized location-based analysis and information in relation to a developing or existing situation, delivered in either a written or verbal format.

Customizable, timely alerts and email briefings

Crisis24 email or text alerts help our members stay aware of civil unrest, natural disasters and travel disruptions so they can make well-informed decisions. Alerts can be customized and include detailed coverage of significant incidents that could impact security or travel — now or in the near future.

A daily summary of worldwide security news

The daily intelligence brief provides information about global noteworthy, risk-related events and developments. It is published Monday through Friday and offers in-depth coverage of current issues across the globe.

Staying safe in unfamiliar territory

With growing levels of insecurity worldwide, many of our members are increasingly aware of potential threats to their personal safety. Aetna International provides members with access to expert advice and support, 24/7, remaining secure in the knowledge that if a crisis does happen, a team of specialists are available to help.