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Terrorism: how Aetna International and Aetna Security Assistance - powered by Crisis24 keep you safe

In a world of extremist ideologies, terrorist organisations and widespread violence, people are becoming increasingly aware of potential threats to their personal safety.

For international travelers especially, whether taking a single business trip, engaging in an extended foreign assignment or permanently relocating abroad with a family in tow, understanding the security risks in the country they’re travelling to is critical. Which is why international private medical insurance (iPMI) firm Aetna International has partnered with security specialists at Crisis24.

Red alert

Operating an expert team of intelligence analysts, and a network of ex-military and law enforcement consultants, on call 24/7 to assist our eligible members. From providing country intelligence reports before our member embarks on their overseas trip to supportive and advice when security concerns arise, they can help whatever the situation.

Intelligent updates

Although terrorist attacks can happen anywhere in the world, they’re more likely to occur in some countries than others. Aetna International members who have an international private medical insurance plan which includes emergency response can take advantage of Aetna Security Assistance’s services. For eligible members with iPMI cover that includes the safety and security plan, AdviceLine, the aim is to ensure that the member has the latest security status information for different countries around the world at their fingertips.

Through opt-in emails, bulletins and SMS, and via the Aetna Security Assistance website and app, the global security firm highlights the risks of travel to different locations, based on local intelligence and an analysis of the political and military situation in that country.

Threat reports

Some countries, including active war zones like Syria or highly politically unstable places like Libya, represent an extreme security risk for travellers and Aetna Security Assistance advise that they should be avoided. But for countries with a general high level of risk, such as Brazil or Egypt, Aetna Security Assistance’s briefings highlight any safe areas, which is useful to know if travel is essential. Egypt, for example, is relatively safe in the southern resort regions, but kidnapping is a significant risk along its western border with Libya.

Aetna Security Assistance puts together threat analysis documents for almost every country in the world, allowing eligible Aetna International members (those with iPMI cover that includes a Aetna Security Assistance plan) to make informed choices about their travel safety, requesting advice and further support as required, wherever they are.

Close contact

If one of our members is travelling in a country where there’s a high security threat, Aetna Security Assistance has incountry specialists available to provide advice, over the phone. 

Wrap around care

For Aetna International members, iPMI isn’t just about emergency health care or access to quality private doctors. It’s about taking care of the health, safety, well-being and security of our members. Eligible Aetna International members with iPMI cover that includes a Aetna Security Assistance plan benefit from wrap around care that begins before they travel right up to their return home, including Aetna Security Assistance’s security services.

For group members whose employees provide Aetna Summit cover, our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) aims to ensure their well-being from the moment they land, offering practical help and ongoing support settling into a new culture.

And during their trip, our eligible members with one of our Aetna Security Assistance plan options can contact Aetna Security Assistance for security advice and updates, 24/7, all year round.

Total protection

In the current global political climate, it’s difficult to predict when or where a terrorist attack could come from. Partnering with Aetna Security Assistance means Aetna International members benefit from expert intelligence insights from highly trained security specialists.

If you’re looking for iPMI that includes security advice, contact our expert sales consultants to talk through our plans. We can cover individuals through our Aetna Pioneer plans, while groups and businesses can benefit from our Aetna Summit plans.

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