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Scalable support for employee success


      Scalable support for employee success

      White paper by Seeta Hammer, Senior Clinical Director, Aetna International

      Pre and post assignment coordination improves expatriates experiences abroad

      When U.S. citizen McKenzie was assigned a short-term overseas trip to the Philippines, he worried about managing his sleep apnea far from home. Diagnosed later in life, McKenzie relied on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment to stay productive during long workdays without suffering from low energy or lack of mental clarity. Transporting the medical device and securing replacement parts would prove difficult. Going without treatment could drastically impact his work performance.

      By contacting his health benefits provider’s medical services team for comprehensive pre and post assignment coordination, McKenzie also set important preparations in motion. As well as gaining a thorough understanding of his overall health and well-being, and providing pertinent advice about his host country, his clinical manager coordinated rental of a compatible CPAP machine equipped with McKenzie’s prescribed settings. Additionally, they negotiated McKenzie’s in-network treatment rates to minimize out-of-pocket fees.

      Ongoing communication after his arrival kept tabs on the arrangements’ effectiveness. In McKenzie’s own words, “Thank you for helping me get the CPAP machine. It has helped me sleep better and feel less tired during long workdays.”

      The advanced coordination provided by the pre and post assignment coordination team gave McKenzie the ability to excel professionally without health hindrances.1

      Unfortunately, awareness of pre and post assignment coordination and its on-going benefits among organizations, international human relations managers and employees is relatively low.  For expat assignees or business travelers managing medical conditions, lack of planning can quickly jeopardize overseas productivity and well-being. But comprehensive pre-assignment preparation empowers effectiveness no matter the destination. pre and post assignment coordination is just the tip of the clinical capabilities’ iceberg.


    1 Aetna International, 2023

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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates: A pathway to work-life harmony? Mello. Tomei. 2021.

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    Global work in a rapidly changing world: Implications for MNEs and individuals. Lazarova. Caligiuri. Collings. De Cieri. 2023.

    “Should I stay or should I go?” — Why the future of global work may be less binary: Lessons on approaches to global crises from the experiences of expatriates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Végh. Jenkins. Claes. 2022.

    10 “Should I stay or should I go?” — Why the future of global work may be less binary: Lessons on approaches to global crises from the experiences of expatriates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Végh. Jenkins. Claes. 2022.

    11 “Should I stay or should I go?” — Why the future of global work may be less binary: Lessons on approaches to global crises from the experiences of expatriates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Végh. Jenkins. Claes. 2022.

    12 Aetna International, 2023

    13 Aetna International, 2023

    14 Aetna International, 2023

    15 Not applicable for Cayman or U.S. territories; other coverage limits apply