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Aetna International’s DNA health test explained

How do Aetna International’s DNA health tests work? What will it tell me and how do I use my results?

We are proud to be one of the first insurers to use cutting-edge, genetic science in the real world of international private medical insurance (iPMI) — Aetna DNA.

Aetna DNA isn’t a disease diagnostics tool, but it does enable people to be more actively involved in their own health and well-being. It’s about personalising your health journey with advice tailored to your lifestyle and genetics.

Genetics offer you invaluable insight into how your body’s own unique makeup works. Personalised test results help you determine optimal diet, food sensitivities, stress reduction strategies, best workout and sleep routines and more. This unique data will help you take specific actions that have the potential to make you happier, healthier and more productive, with greater job satisfaction and lower healthcare costs.

  • Anyone can harness their full biological potential, empowered with the right knowledge
  • Everyone is unique and can benefit from a personalised health and wellness solution
  • Science, combined with innovative and advanced technology, helps us to improve people’s health and well-being.

What does Aetna DNA involve?

Aetna DNA couldn’t be easier. You send us a simple mouth swab and we send you back accurate, reliable information about the complex relationship between your genes and your health, fitness and nutrition.

  1. Take the easy, at-home saliva swab test
  2. Send the swab back to us in the mail
  3. Receive results within two weeks
  4. Have a consultation to understand your results
  5. Start your journey to a healthier future with our ongoing support.

What will Aetna DNA tell me?

Aetna DNA empowers you with knowledge about your genetic predispositions and needs. Equipped with this information, we show you how to make positive lifestyle changes that lead to better health, fitness and quality of life. We help you make real-life nutrition, fitness, stress and sleep changes that positively impact your physical, mental and emotional health.

One test provides a lifetime of information and, as genetic science advances, you’ll understand more about your body. The Aetna DNA test can help remove the guesswork from diet, exercise routine, stress response and sleep, saving time and money. It will also allow you to personalise diet and training plans as well as build strategies for coping with stress and lack of sleep for faster, more sustainable, long-term results.

Here’s what you get:

  • Fitness report
    • Power/Endurance Response
    • Aerobic (VO2 Max) Training Response
    • Injury Risk
    • Recovery Speed
  • Stress and sleep report
    • Stress
      • Stress tolerance
      • Warrior to strategist
  • Sleep
    • Genetic chronotype
    • Sleep quality
    • Caffeine and sleep
  • Nutrition report
    • Optimal Diet Type
    • Carbohydrate and Saturated Fat Sensitivity
    • Salt, Alcohol and Caffeine Sensitivity
    • Lactose Intolerance and Coeliac Predisposition
    • Individual Vitamin and Mineral Needs
    • Detox Ability and Antioxidant Need
Aetna International DNA Infographic Showing a Detailed, Personalized Nutrition Report From Test Results Aetna International DNA Infographic Showing a Detailed, Personalized Nutrition Report From Test Results
Aetna International DNA Infographic on Macbook Showing Test Results Detailing Carbohydrate Sensitivity Aetna International DNA Infographic on Macbook Showing Test Results Detailing Carbohydrate Sensitivity

  • Infographic of Results
Overview Infographic on Macbook Detailing Aetna International's DNA Test Overview Infographic on Macbook Detailing Aetna International's DNA Test

By using the Aetna DNA portal, you can also access:

  • Bespoke diet and meal plans
  • Genetically guided online training platform
  • Expert sports scientists and dieticians for advice and guidance
  • Aetna EAP
  • vHealthcare
  • Health coaching support
Infographic Showing Web Elements of Aetna International's DNA Test Infographic Showing Web Elements of Aetna International's DNA Test

Explaining the results and building healthier habits

Genetics can be complicated. That’s why, once you receive your results, we consult with you individually, taking you through your reports step-by-step. We’ll answer your questions to make sure you understand the Aetna DNA test results. We also provide you with everything you need to turn this cutting-edge science into real healthy lifestyle changes, including:

  • A personal health and wellness coach
  • Diet and fitness reports
  • Genetically matched training and meal plans.

Knowing that you need to do something is one thing. Knowing how to do it is often the challenge. We’ll help you take positive action on all you’ve learned from your Aetna DNA results and there’s also a whole host of health and wellness solutions available to help:

What is Pharmacogenetics?

Pharmacogenomics studies the role of our DNA in our responses to various drugs. Read more about pharmacogenetics in this article.

What about privacy?

Privacy is our priority so we adhere to a strict code of security management standards so you can trust that your results are kept anonymous and private. We store no personal information and only test genetic variants associated with health, fitness, stress and sleep. We adhere to ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management standards and undergo third-party audits to validate our information security. Aetna DNA holds your data securely. It is only available to you and does not use any genetic information to discriminate regarding insurance quotations.

Find out more

Do you want to experience a smarter, more personalised approach to optimising your well-being? We can help you and your employees live a happier, healthier, more productive life and take your health and wellness benefits to a whole new level.

If you’re an employer who would like to know more about international private medical insurance (iPMI) or DNA testing for your international employees, get in touch with our team near you.

Further reading

*Aetna International's employee assistance services are standard to Aetna Summit plans 2500, 4000, 5000 and 5000+. Programme delivery methods may vary by plan or region. Please contact your account manager or plan sponsor for more information. For members with other plans, such as Aetna Pioneer, assistance services are available as optional buy up benefits.

Aetna® is a trademark of Aetna Inc. and is protected throughout the world by trademark registrations and treaties.