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The virtual health care app

In a fast-moving world with mobile populations and rising mass affluence, demand for health care continues to grow.

Disease patterns are shifting and our reliance on technology is increasing. In this connected world in which time is precious and distance is nothing, virtual health care is changing the way people access health care, support and advice.

At Aetna International, we have developed vHealth, an app that enables users to consult a doctor virtually by phone or computer at any time of the day or night, and from anywhere in the world. The convenient service makes it easy to access personal, affordable, high quality health care.

VHealth gives members the ability to:

  • Store and share their medical records
  • Store their health data
  • Receive prescriptions
  • Find local clinics, if the need them

Aetna is focussed on delivering the promise of healthy…anytime, anywhere. To discover how you can tap into convenient access to quality primary health care wherever you are in the world, contact our sales consultants.

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